Monday, August 4, 2014

Giving Back...Every little bit counts

Have you or has someone you know been touched by diabetes? 
I have, my grandfather and a good friend.  

We've decided to make the decision to make a vacation at a time.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Here, There, or Anywhere

Ever since I was a young girl I thought about going anywhere and everywhere. I started my bucket list at 10. It has grown but that original list I am happy to say I have completed.

One of the "to do's" on that 10 year old's bucket list was to see the Eiffel Tower. I still remember that moment, the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower face to face. I was on a month long back-packing adventure through Europe. I was on day 5 or 6. It was late, I was tired, cranky and I needed a long hot shower. I was in a taxi and as I gazed out the window it all of a sudden came into view. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I'm fortunate to have visited Paris many times and am always delighted to see the Eiffel Tower - it's like running into an old friend.

 How about you? Do you have a bucket list?

5 Great Reasons to Have a Travel Bucket List

1) A travel bucket list, empowers us to dream the impossible, and pushes to do things we could never imagine being able to do; like climbing Kilimanjaro.

2) Once you have a list in place, you have set yourself in motion to get them accomplished.

3) Why not? Bucket lists allow you to stretch, to hope, and bring joy into your life.

4) Bucket lists allow us to inspire others, and ourselves. Bucket lists when written down empowers to believe in something greater than ourselves is possible.

5) What will you be remembered for? Accomplish a bucket list, and start a new one, what a great life to have. And on your bed surrounded by your great grandchildren you will be able to retell the life you lived.

Be unreasonable with your bucket list. Stretch and be uncomfortable. There is so much to see and do in the world, create it, frame it, and place it in front of your computer. Everyone has the power to be, to do, and to live the life they desire. A bucket list gives you a road map, and vision of the person you want to be.
What is on your travel bucket list?

Our mission should you choose to accept it, is to empower you to experience the world.